Uses of ExcludeFromSelect Items in [ControlFlags] Sections
If you use ExcludeFromSelect entries in your INF file, the name of your modem is excluded from the Select Device dialog during modem installation, as well as all other user interfaces.
- If your modem is a daughter device on a multifunction card, use ExcludeFromSelect to exclude it from the Select Device dialog because you want the user to select the ID that is the multifunction card itself. This is primarily what ExcludeFromSelect entries in INF files are designed to do.
- If your modem is a Plug and Play modem, is not on a multifunction card, and you are creating an INF for an installation diskette that will be shipped with the modem, do not use ExcludeFromSelect if your modem ID string is a Rank 0 ID. When you examine the modem INFs in the \Windows\Inf subdirectory, you will find ExcludeFromSelect used with Rank 0 modem IDs; the Plug and Play system will detect and install your modem without ever displaying the Select Device dialog to the user. This is a different case than creating an INF for an installation diskette.
- If your modem is not a Plug and Play modem, use the ExcludeFromSelect item with care in your modem INF because you usually want the user to select your modem from the Select Device dialog.
Note that using ExcludeFromSelect in the multifunction card case does not exclude your daughter modem device from the Device Manager dialogs the users may employ to change a device driver for a daughter device.