Using NoResDup with Serenum PnP Modems

For Serenum PnP modems the following commented INF section illustrate the technique.

; Below, exclude generic friendly strings from pick list
ExcludeFromSelect=SERENUM\PPI1907     ; PC288LCD V.34 PNP
;  Three unimodem ID strings appear below, generally use all applicable 
;  modem ID strings installed by modem24.  
;  Notice that commas separate each ID - this is the only format allowed
;  Provide all possible legacy ID strings (using Modem24 install) 
;  appearing in this INF
;  Modem has two entries: one for serenum ID and one for the 
;  unimodem ID
%Modem41PNP% = Modem24, SERENUM\PPI1907  ; PC288LCD V.34
%Modem41% = Modem24, UNIMODEMC5D7521C    ; PC288LCD V.34
Mfg = "Practical Peripherals"
odem41PNP="Practical Peripherals PC288LCD V.34 Plug & Play"
Modem41="Practical Peripherals PC288LCD V.34"