Testing NoResDup and PosDup Sections

If your modem is a Plug and Play modem and you used NoResDup or PosDUp sections in your INF file to guarantee that your modem is not installed twice, then you must test this with at least the following test scenarios:

If your modem can be installed using all three of these procedures, and there are no duplicate installations of your modem, then the NoResDup and PosDup sections in your INF file are working correctly.

Checking Normal Enumeration

To check that your NoResDup or PosDup sections do not interfere with normal enumeration, do the following:

  1. Physically install your Plug and Play modem.
  2. Force enumeration by either shutting down the computer and then restarting it (cold boot) or click the Refresh button in the Device Manager.
  3. Check the Control Panel or Device Manager to make sure your modem has been installed only once.

Checking Enumeration Followed By Auto-Detection

Once you are sure your modem INF file passes the normal enumeration scenario without duplicate installation, run the following test procedure:

  1. Physically install your Plug and Play modem.
  2. Force enumeration by either shutting down the computer and then restarting it (cold boot) or click the Refresh button in the Device Manager.
  3. Run the Add New Modem wizard from the Control Panel, using the auto-detection option.
  4. Check the Control Panel or Device Manager to make sure your modem has been installed only once.

Note that in some cases, even though you are using PosDup or NoResDup sections correctly in your modem INF file, enumeration followed by auto-detection will produce a duplicate modem entry in the Control Panel. This will be fixed in future Windows 95 releases.

Checking Auto-Detection Followed By Enumeration

Once you are sure your modem INF file passes both the normal enumeration and the enumeration followed by auto-detection scenarios without duplicate installation, run the following test procedure:

  1. Physically install your Plug and Play modem.
  2. Restart the computer.
  3. Check the Control Panel to see if restarting the computer caused enumeration to use your INF file to install your modem. If so, use the Control Panel to remove your modem.
  4. Run the Add New Modem wizard from the Control Panel, using the auto-detection option.
  5. Once the Add New Modem wizard is done, enumeration is always run automatically, so no specific action is required of you to achieve the auto-detection followed by enumeration sequence.
  6. Check the Control Panel or Device Manager to make sure your modem has been installed only once.