Configuring Comm Logging

Utility DLL AWMCFG32.DLL, included in the TOOLS section of the MDK, lets you configure communications logging via the Advanced Modem Properties dialog box of the fax status application. Place this DLL in the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.

If this DLL is unavailable, the following information can be used to manually edit the registry to enable logging.

Logging is configured via registry entries, which are all of type REG_SZ, and stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\At Work Fax\Local Modems\General. The entries are documented in the following.

Name Default Comments
MonitorComm 0 1 enables logging. [Default is 1 for the debug build.]
MonitorBufSizeKB 64 Size of memory buffer in Kbytes. Maximum value supported in Win95 is 2000.
MonitorMaxOldSizeKB 64 Maximum existing file size. If the existing file size is greater than this value, the existing file is renamed to OLD.MON, and file logging starts with an empty FAX0.MON.
MonitorDir C:\ Directory into which the log file is written. Note that log file name is fixed as FAX0.MON.