Adding or Modifying the Update Ini File Sections

The following Update Ini File-type section adds and updates the VoiceView components to the desktop and group folders in the Windows 95 Shell.

Note also that this new AddReg section must be referenced in an UpdateInis= item in the Install section (see Modifying the Install Section for an example of such an UpdateInis= item).

setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group4="%APPS_DESC%""            ;creates folder
setup.ini, group4,, """%FileXfer_DESC%"", filexfer.exe"       ;creates link
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "SendTo=""..\..\%SendTo_DESC%"""  ;creates folder
setup.ini, SendTo,,"""%SendToPhone_DESC%"", filexfer.exe"     ;create Link to EXE
setup.ini, progman.groups,, "group1=""%StartUp_DESC%"""       ;creates folder
setup.ini, group1,, """%StartXfer_DESC%"", filexfer.exe /a"   ;creates link