Windows 95 Modem Registry Reference

Windows 95® uses modem INF files to install modems so they can be used by applications, though the Window 95 universal modem driver (Unimodem). A modem INF generally consists of some standard device INF entries, and many specific entries that provide Unimodem with information about the modem. This documentation is a complete list of the registry entries that can be added to the registry through the modem INF file.

Different registry entries will be used depending on the modem's capabilities. This documentation is separated into four sections:

A data/fax modem INF would only need to use the entries in the Data and Fax sections, while a Voice and VoiceView modem would need to use entries from every section.

This reference documentation should be used with Using the Windows 95 Modem Development Kit and the sample INF files included in the Modem Development Kit to create modem INFs.