8.3.2 Specifying Portrait- and Landscape-Text Capabilities

The fText and fLText dialog boxes identify text-rendering capabilities in
portrait and landscape mode when the selected font is a device font. (The
fLText dialog box is identical to the fText dialog box; the fText dialog
box specifies text rendering capabilities in portrait mode, and the fLText
dialog box specifies text rendering capabilities in landscape mode.)

The following list describes each of the controls in the two dialog boxes.

Control           Description

TC_OP_CHARACTER   Indicates that the device can place device fonts at any
                  pixel location. This is required for any device that
                  supports device fonts.

TC_OP_STROKE      Indicates the device may omit any stroke of a device font.

TC_CP_STROKE      Indicates that device fonts may be clipped to a pixel

TC_CR_90          Indicates that device fonts may only be rotated at
                  90-degree increments.

TC_CR_ANY         Indicates that device fonts may be rotated at any angle.

TC_SF_X_YINDEP    Indicates that device fonts may be scaled separately in
                  the x and y direction.

TC_SA_DOUBLE      Indicates that device fonts may be scaled to twice their
                  original size.

TC_SA_INTEGER     Indicates that device fonts may be scaled by any integer

TC_SA_CONTIN      Indicates that device fonts may be scaled by any amount,
                  but the x and y ratios are preserved.

TC_EA_DOUBLE      Indicates that the device can make device fonts bold. If
                  this bit is not set for minidrivers, GDI will attempt to
                  bold device fonts by printing them twice.

TC_IA_ABLE        Indicates that the device driver has the ability to
                  italicize device fonts. If this bit is not set, GDI will
                  assume italics are not available.

TC_UA_ABLE        Indicates that the device driver has the ability to
                  underline device fonts. If this bit is not set, GDI will
                  underline the device fonts.

TC_SO_ABLE        Indicates that the device driver has the ability to
                  strikeout device fonts. If this bit is not set, GDI will
                  strikeout the device fonts.

TC_RA_ABLE        Indicates that GDI should enumerate any raster fonts
                  available for this device in response to the EnumFonts
                  function. If this bit is not set, GDI supplied raster
                  fonts will not be enumerated in response to EnumFonts,
                  although device fonts, TrueType fonts, and GDI vector
                  fonts will continue to be enumerated.

TC_VA_ABLE        Indicates that GDI should enumerate any vector fonts
                  available for this device in response to the EnumFonts
                  function. If this bit is not set, vector fonts will not
                  be available.

TC_RESERVED       Reserved; do not use.

Diconix 150 Plus

For the Diconix 150 Plus printer, the TC_OP_CHARACTER, TC_EA_DOUBLE,
TC_IA_ABLE, TC_UA_ABLE, and the TC_RA_ABLE boxes are checked.

HP LaserJet IIP

For the HP LaserJet IIP printer, the TC_UA_ABLE box is checked.