8.1.1 The Model Name

The Name of Model control contains text which specifies a printer's model
name. This text should be an exact match of the corresponding text in the

Diconix 150 Plus

The CONTROL.INF file contains the following entry for the Diconix

    5:DICONIX.DRV, "Diconix 150 Plus", "DEVICESPECIFIC"

The text that appears after the minidriver name (Diconix 150 Plus) in the
.INF file is the text that also appears in the Name of Model control.

HP LaserJet IIP

The CONTROL.INF file contains the following entry for the LaserJet

    7:HPPCL.DRV,7:unidrv.dll,"HP LaserJet IIP", "DEVICESPECIFIC"

The first string surrounded by quotation marks (HP LaserJet IIP) is the
string that also appears in the Name of Model control.

NOTE˙ If a driver supports two models that are identical except for the
name, enter both names separated by a percentage mark (%) in the Name of
Model control. This is how the HP LaserJet IIP and HP LaserJet IIP Plus are