8.2.4 Default and Supported Paper Sources

The Paper Sources dialog box identifies the default and supported paper
sources. The default paper source appears in the dropdown list box at the
top of the dialog box. The supported paper sources are highlighted in the
list box below the dropdown list box.

The following list describes each of the controls in this dialog box.

Control       Description

Default       Specifies the default paper-source identifier.

List box      Lists the available paper-source identifiers for this printer.

Enable All    Enables all paper-source identifiers which appear in the list

Inhibit All   Inhibits all paper-source identifiers which appear in the
              list box.

Cancel        Cancels current edit changes.

OK            Saves current edit changes.

Diconix 150 Plus

The Diconix 150 Plus printer supports tractor- and manual-feed paper

HP LaserJet IIP

The HP LaserJet IIP printer supports an upper-tray or manual-feed paper