Interrupt 2

Interrupt 2 is the same as interrupt 9 in computers. For Windows 95, this is being enforced as a requirement of Configuration Manager. Unfortunately, most users don't know these two interrupts are the same, and many drivers require a 2 in the UI. We have added a flag that allows the system to carry a 9 internally, but it passes a 2 to Protocol.ini (for ndis2 drivers) and to NDIS 3.1 drivers. To make this work, you need to change all occurrences of interrupt 2 in your LogConfig sections (IRQConfig) to interrupt 9, then add the flag 0x40 to your interrupt keyword. The following is an example:

HKR,NDI\params\Interrupt,ParamDesc,,"Interrupt Level"
HKR,NDI\params\Interrupt,flag,1,50,00,00,00   ;0x40 - IRQ2/9 && 0x10 - NDIS 2 only