Function Summary

The table below lists entrypoints which NPs may export, and their ordinals. NPGetCaps must be exported by name. Its presence is used by the MPR to identify a DLL as a valid NP. All other NP entrypoints are loaded by the MPR using their ordinals. An NP may export those entrypoints by ordinal only in order to reduce the size of the NP DLL file.

Function Name Ordinal
NPGetCaps 13
NPGetUser 16
NPAddConnection 17
NPCancelConnection 18
NPGetConnection 12
NPOpenEnum 33
NPEnumResource 34
NPCloseEnum 35
NPGetUniversalName 36
NPGetResourceParent 41
NPValidDevice 42
NPLogon 43
NPLogoff 44
NPGetHomeDirectory 45
NPFormatNetworkName 46
NPGetConnectionPerformance 49
NPGetPolicyPath 50
NPGetResourceInformation 52