Other Pen Driver Messages

The other messages the pen driver can receive are summarized in the following table. The pen driver should, at a minimum, respond to each of these messages by returning the code DRV_SUCCESS or DRV_FAILURE.

Message Description
DRV_EXITSESSION The sample pen driver ignores this message.
DRV_EXITAPPLICATION The sample pen driver ignores this message.
DRV_GetCalibration Instructs the pen driver to fill a calibration structure with the current calibration settings.
DRV_GetName Returns the name of the pen driver.
DRV_GetPenSamplingRate Returns the current sampling rate.
DRV_GetPenInfo Fills a specified DRV_PENINFO structure with the current pen information.
DRV_GetVersion Returns the driver version and the pen packet size.
DRV_PenPlayBack Performs the playback of a specified number of pen packets from an array of pen packets.
DRV_PenPlayStart Tells the pen driver the format of the pen packet data it will receive with the DRV_PenPlayBack message.
DRV_PenPlayStop Forces the pen driver out of playback mode.
DRV_POWER The sample pen driver ignores this message.
DRV_Query Returns whether or not the pen driver supports the specified message.
DRV_RemoveEntryPoints Removes an interrupt processing routine that was registered with a DRV_SetEntryPoints message.
DRV_SetEntryPoints Registers a device or DLL to receive pen information (pen packets or any other OEM-specific information) at interrupt time.
DRV_SetPenSamplingRate Instructs the pen hardware or software to report a specified number of points per second.
DRV_SetPenSamplingDist Instructs the pen driver to filter out pen packets that have not moved a specified number of tablet units from the last reported locations.
DRV_SetCalibration Instructs the pen drivers to calibrate the pen input to new tablet dimensions.

An OEM can define a list of custom messages. Custom messages must have defined values between DRV_RESERVED and DRV_USER, as set in the WINDOWS.H file.