The source code components for the pen driver configuration user interface library are described in the following table.
Component | Description |
DIALOGS.DLG | Defines the pen driver configuration dialog. |
MAKEFILE | 16-bit makefile for the DLL. |
PENUI.DEF | Definitions file. |
PENUI.RCV | Contains version strings read by the operating system. |
PENUI.H | Header file, found in the \PEN\INC directory. |
PENUI.RC | Resource file. |
EXPORTS.C | Contains all the exports for the DLL. In particular, exports the ConfigDialog function that is called by the pen driver and Windows 95 Control Panel to display the Pen Properties property sheet. Also exports the DLLMainCRTStartup, LibMain, and WEP functions. |
WIN40DLG.C | Contains the dialog message handling routine. This module also contains the code that accesses the pen driver key in the registry and puts information from the dialog into the _HARDWAREINFO structure. |