Miscellaneous Services

Device drivers and other components use the miscellaneous services to carry out various support tasks or debugging. There are these services.

Service Description
CONFIGMG_Call_At_Appy_Time Configuration Manager will call back the handler at app time.
CONFIGMG_Get_CRC_CheckSum Computes a CRC for a specific buffer.
CONFIGMG_Get_Version Retrieves the version number of the Configuration Manager.
CONFIGMG_Lock Prevents Configuration manager from sending events.
CONFIGMG_Process_Events_Now Forces event processing to occur immediately.
CONFIGMG_Set_Private_Problem Causes Configuration Manager to call the private API with the specified devnode and reference data.
CONFIGMG_Unlock Reenables Configuration manager events after a call to the CONFIGMG_Lock function.
CONFIGMG_Yield Waits a specfied number of microsoeconds.