CONFIGRET CONFIGMG_Add_Empty_Log_Conf(PLOG_CONF plcLogConf, DEVNODE dnDevNode, PRIORITY Priority, ULONG ulFlags)
Creates an empty logical configuration. This configuration has no resource descriptor.
LCPRI_FORCECONFIG | Coming from a forced config. |
LCPRI_BOOTCONFIG | Coming from a boot config. |
LCPRI_DESIRED | Preferable set (better performance). |
LCPRI_NORMAL | Workable (acceptable performance). |
LCPRI_SUBOPTIMAL | Not desired but will work (like PIO). |
LCPRI_RESTART | Need to restart Windows. |
LCPRI_REBOOT | Need to reboot Windows. |
LCPRI_POWEROFF | Need to shutdown Windows. |
LCPRI_HARDRECONFIG | Need to change a jumper. |
BASIC_LOG_CONF | Specifies the requirements list. |
FILTERED_LOG_CONF | Specifies the filtered requirements list. |
PRIORITY_EQUAL_FIRST | Same priority, new one is first. |
PRIORITY_EQUAL_LAST | Same priority, new one is last. |
Note Calling CONFIGMG_Add_Empty_Log_Conf or CONFIGMG_Free_Log_Conf from within a CONFIGMG_Get_First_Log_Conf/CONFIGMG_Get_Next_Log_Conf loop may have unwelcome side effects. Drivers should end the loop before adding or freeing a logical configuration and start it again when the operation is finished.
CONFIGMG_Create_DevNode, CONFIGMG_Free_Log_Conf, CONFIGMG_Get_First_Log_Conf, CONFIGMG_Get_Next_Log_Conf, CONFIGMG_Locate_DevNode