CONFIGRET CONFIGMG_Add_Res_Des(PRES_DES prdResDes, LOG_CONF lcLogConf, RESOURCEID ResourceID, PFARVOID ResourceData, ULONG ResourceLen, ULONG ulFlags)
Adds a resource descriptor to a logical configuration.
ResType_DMA | DMA channels 0-3 resource |
ResType_IO | Physical IO address resource |
ResType_IRQ | IRQ 0-15 |
ResType_Mem | Physical address resource |
The new resource descriptor is added to the beginning of the logical configuration's resource-descriptor list. This means that a loop using CONFIGMG_Get_Next_Res_Des will not reveal this resource descriptor unless the loop is started after the resource descriptor has been added.
The logical configuration being modified must be either BASIC_LOG_CONF or FILTERED_LOG_CONF. Typically, BASIC_LOG_CONF is added to during device driver initialization or enumeration, whereas FILTERED_LOG_CONF is added to during a CONFIG_FILTER device-driver configuration function.