
CONFIGRET CONFIGMG_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data(PFARVOID pData, ULONG DataLen, DEVNODE dnDevNode, RESOURCEID ResourceID, ULONG ulFlags)

Returns arbitrator-specific free information.

Address of a buffer that receives the free information. This information is arbitrator specific.
The size (in bytes) of the data buffer.
Device node associated with the arbitrator. This is most meaningful for local arbitrators. (Although any device node can be used for global arbitrators, this parameter should specify the root or NULL in that case.)
One of the resource identifiers listed in the ResourceId parameter of the CONFIGMG_Add_Res_Des function. This function returns CR_INVALID_RESOURCEID if this value is ResType_All or ResType_None.
Must be zero.

This function succeeds even when it returns CR_BUFFER_SMALL. To avoid this error, call CONFIGMG_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size before calling this function.

See Also

CONFIGMG_Add_Res_Des, CONFIGMG_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size