
CONFIGRET CONFIGMG_Set_HW_Prof_Flags(PCHAR szDevNodeName, ULONG ulConfig, ULONG ulValue, ULONG ulFlags)

Set the Config-Specific Config flags for a devnode/hardware profile combination.

The name of the devnode to modify.
The hardware profile number to modify. A ulConfig value of zero indicates the current hardware profile should be modified.
The new CSConfigFlags value. It may contain the following flags.
CSCONFIGFLAG_DISABLE Disable the devnode in this hardware profile.
CSCONFIGFLAG_DO_NOT_CREATE Do not allow this devnode to be created in this hardware profile.

Must be zero.

If the CONFIGFLAG_DO_NOT_CREATE bit is set for an existing devnode in the current hardware profile, it will be removed. If the CSCONFIGFLAG_DO_NOT_CREATE bit is cleared in the current hardware profile, the entire hardware tree will be reenumerated, so that the devnode's parent has the chance to create the devnode if necessary.

See Also
