    LPDEVMODE  pDevMode;
    LPTSTR     pDatatype;
    LPTSTR     pParameters;
    LPTSTR     pDocumentName;
    DWORD      JobId;
    LPTSTR     pOutputFile;      // spool file
    LPTSTR     pSpoolFileName;   // full path + filename
    LPTSTR     pSepFile;         // separator file

The PRINTPROCESSORDOCUMENTDATA structure holds global data about a document being printed on the print processor. A document is a name for a print job.

pDevMode Points to a data structure that contains information about the device initialization and environment of a printer.
pDatatype Points to the datatype of the document.
pParameters Points to a null-terminated string that specifies print processor parameters.
JobId Identifies the print job associated with the document.
pOutputFile Points to the document spool file.
pSpoolFileName Points to the full path and file name of the spool file.
pSepFile Points to the file printed between print jobs.