
BOOL InitializeMonitorEx(
    LPTSTR     pRegisterRoot,
    LPMONITOR  pMonitor

Sets up the function pointer table that registers with the spooler all the other entry points provided by your port monitor. Your port monitor should establish function pointers for a set of port management functions (AddPort, ConfigurePort, DeletePort, and EnumPorts) and a set of printer and print job monitoring functions (OpenPort, ClosePort, StartDocPort, EndDocPort, WritePort, and ReadPort).

pRegisterRoot A string which is the full registry path to a key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE where the port monitor may store monitor-specific data for its own use. If the port monitor is deleted, the Windows 95 spooler will delete this registry key; the monitor does not need to do it.
pMonitor Points to a MONITOR structure in which to set the pointers.

See the definition of the MONITOR structure data structure for more information. This structure is defined in the WINSPLP.H header file supplied with the DDK and is documented in About Language Monitors.