2.1 Required Hardware and Software

Before you begin developing your driver, you'll need to set up the
development environment. This environment includes the following hardware:

o   A 286- or 386-based computer with a clock speed of 16MHz or above.

o   At least 2 megabytes or more of memory (4 megabytes is recommended for
    386 enhanced mode).

o   A fast hard disk for compiling and linking.

o   An EGA or VGA display.

o   A Microsoft Mouse (or any other mouse compatible with Windows).

o   The printer for which you are creating a minidriver.

o   Printer accessories such as font cartridges, sheet-feeders, paper
    cassettes, and so on.

The development environment includes the following languages, tools, and

o   The Microsoft C Compiler version 6.0.

o   The tools and files included with the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Software
    Development Kit.

o   The Windows 3.1 retail product and various Windows applications (for
    debugging and testing the more complicated areas of your driver and

o   Two library files (SLIBCEW.LIB and LIBW.LIB). The MS-DOS LIB
    environment variable must identify the directory that contains these

o   The following include files: PRINT.H, GDIDEFS.INC, MINDRVRC.H, and
    DECLARE.H. The MS-DOS INCLUDE environment variable must identify the
    directories that contains these files.

o   The UniTool application (UNITOOL.EXE).

o   The UniTool information file (UNITOOL.INF).

o   The UniTool help file (UNITOOL.HLP).

o   The minidriver source file (MINIDRIV.C).

o   The minidriver makefile (MAKEFILE).