mov eax, flag
mov ebx, handle
mov ecx, addrInterruptProc
This service is called by VxDs to obtain exclusive control of the system floppy controller. Once this returns successfully a lock is obtained granting exclusive access.
If a Ring 0 interrupt procedure is specified, all subsequent interrupts for the system floppy controller will be passed to this procedure. The Ring 0 procedure will be treated just like a HW_INT_PROC defined for VPICD. (For further information on VPICD, see the Kernel services help file.) The handle returned is the IRQ handle that should be used by this Ring 0 procedure for all subsequent IRQ operations. Note: Do not attempt to release the IRQ handle when the application is done with it. You must only call the VFBACKUP_Unlock_NEC service in order to release the IRQ handle. If a Ring 0 interrupt procedure is not specified, then the interrupt will be reflected to the VM of the thread, or the VM that owns the lock.