IOS Requestor Service Functions

The IOS requestor service functions carry various tasks for drivers and clients. There are the following requestor service functions:

IRS_FIRSTNXT_CHAR_DEV (9) Returns the name of a character device.
IRS_GET_DRVINFO (2) Returns information about the given drive.
IRS_GET_LOGICAL_DRVS (7) Returns logical volumes on the given INT 13h unit.
IRS_GET_VRP (0) Returns the VRP for a volume.
IRS_IS_DRVCOMPRESSED (10) Returns a host drive if the given drive is compressed.
IRS_MEDIA_CHECK_RESET (3) Checks media and resets changeline.
IRS_MOUNT_NOTIFY (8) Notifies that a drive was just mounted.
IRS_QUERY_VOLUME_LOCK (6) Notifies that the volume is about to be locked.
IRS_REAL_MODE_HANDOFF (5) Notifies that real mode is about to take over.
IRS_REPLACE_VRP (1) Replaces the currently active VRP.
IRS_SET_CUR_FLP_UNIT (4) Sets the current floppy unit on single floppy systems.

A driver or client uses a function by passing the address of an IOS requestor service structure (IRS) to the IOS_Requestor_Service service. The content and format of the structure to pass to the service varies from function to function, but all structures start with a standard header as defined by the IRS structure. This structure includes the IRS_func member that identifies the function to carry out and the IRS_result member that the IOS uses to indicate whether it completed the function or encountered an error. The driver should check the value of IRS_result after the IOS returns.

See Also

IOS_Requestor_Service, IRS, VRP