Get Device Type Command

Prototype: DWORD SendASPI32Command(LPSRB)

Declaration: LPSRB lpSRB;

The SendASPI32Command function with command code SC_GET_DEV_TYPE enables you to identify the devices available on the SCSI bus. A Win32 tape backup package, for example, can scan each target/LUN on each installed host adapter looking for a device type corresponding to sequential access devices. This eliminates the need for each Win32 application to duplicate the effort of scanning the SCSI bus for devices.

Parameter Description
lpSRB Points to the following SCSI request block

typedef struct {

 BYTE  SRB_Cmd;    // ASPI command code = SC_GET_DEV_TYPE
 BYTE  SRB_Status;   // ASPI command status byte
 BYTE  SRB_HaId;    // ASPI host adapter number
 BYTE  SRB_Flags;   // Reserved
 DWORD  SRB_Hdr_Rsvd;  // Reserved
 BYTE  SRB_Target;   // Target's SCSI ID
 BYTE  SRB_Lun;    // Target's LUN number
 BYTE  SRB_DeviceType;  // Target's peripheral device type
 BYTE  SRB_Rsvd1;   // Reserved for alignment


Table 4-4. Get Device Type Command

Member Description
SRB_Cmd [IN] This field must contain SC_GET_DEV_TYPE.
SRB_Status [OUT] On return, this field will be the same as the return status defined below.
SRB_HaId [IN] This field specifies which installed host adapter the request is intended for. Host adapter numbers are always assigned by the ASPI manager layer beginning with zero.
SRB_Flags [IN] Reserved = 0
SRB_Hdr_Rsvd Reserved = 0
SRB_Target [IN] SCSI ID of target device.
SRB_Lun [IN] Logical Unit Number (LUN) of device.
SRB_DeviceType [OUT] The ASPI manager fills this field with the peripheral device type. This is derived from the Peripheral Device Type returned by the SCSI Inquiry command. Refer to the SCSI specification to learn more about the SCSI Inquiry command.

Table 4-5. Return Values from Get Device Type Command

Value Meaning
SS_COMP SCSI/ASPI request has completed without error.
SS_INVALID_HA Invalid host adapter number.
SS_NO_DEVICE SCSI device not installed.


This example gets the peripheral device type from host adapter #0, target ID #4, and LUN #0.

 MySRB.SRB_HaId   = 0;
 MySRB.SRB_Flags   = 0;
 MySRB.SRB_Hdr_Rsvd  = 0;
 MySRB.SRB_Target   = 4;
 MySRB.SRB_Lun   = 0;
 ASPIStatus    = SendASPI32Command ( (LPSRB) &MySRB );
 /* If MySRB.SRB_Status == SS_COMP, MySRB.SRB_DeviceType
 /* will contain the peripheral device type.