
mov edi, offset32 IOP  ; address of IOP
mov ebx, offset32 DCB  ; address of logical or physical DCB
mov edx, vector        ; address of a calldown request routine
                       ;   or zero
call [ilb.ILB_internal_request]

Passes the given I/O request to a driver in the calldown chain. A device driver uses this routine to send I/O requests though the calldown chain without calling the IOS_SendCommand service. The driver can either send the I/O request to the driver at the next layer in the chain or to the top of the chain.

Address of the IOP structure to pass through the calldown chain.
Address of a logical or physical DCB structure that contains the address of the calldown list.
Address of the current I/O request routine or zero. If an address, the routine calls next driver in the calldown chain. If vector is zero, the routine calls the first driver in the chain.

See Also