#include <iop.h>
typedef struct _IOP {
ULONG IOP_physical; // physical address of IOP
ULONG IOP_physical_dcb; // address of physical DCB
ULONG IOP_original_dcb; // address of DCB designated by IOR
USHORT IOP_timer; // Request Control Block (RCB) current
// timeout value
USHORT IOP_timer_orig; // original timeout value
ULONG IOP_calldown_ptr; // address of next calldown routine
ULONG IOP_callback_ptr; // address of current callback address
ULONG IOP_voltrk_private; // for use by volume tracking
ULONG IOP_Thread_Handle; // handle of thread originating
// the I/O request
ULONG IOP_VM_Handle // handle of the Volume Manager
// originating the I/O request.
// Initialized in
// <k>IOS_SendCommand</k>.
ULONG IOP_srb; // used by SCSI'izers to pass SRB
// address to next layer
ULONG IOP_reserved[2]; // reserved; must be zero
IOP_callback_entry IOP_callback_table[IOP_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEPTH];
// RCB_CallBackTable
BYTE IOP_format_head; // low level format data
BYTE IOP_format_xfer_rate;
USHORT IOP_format_track;
ULONG IOP_format_num_sectors;
IOR IOP_ior; // I/O request descriptor
} IOP, *pIOP;
Contains information about an I/O request.