

Directory operations (change, make, and remove) are performed through FS_Dir. This routine handles the Win32 functions: CreateDirectory(), RemoveDirectory(), and SetCurrentDirectory(); and INT 21h functions: 39h, 3Ah, and 3Bh.

Supplies a pointer to the unicode canonicalized directory pathname for the operation. Wildcards are not allowed on the pathname.
Supplies the command type to perform.
Command Type Values:

One of the following types will be specified.

Value Meaning
CREATE_DIR Make a new directory.
DELETE_DIR Remove an existing directory.
CHECK_DIR Check if the directory exists.
QUERY83_DIR Return a pure 8.3 pathname for the path passed in, which possibly has mixed components.
QUERYLONG_DIR Return a pure LFN pathname for the path passed in which possibly has mixed components.

Supplies handle to disk volume or network resource that contains the directory.
Supplies pointer to buffer to contain the unicode pure pathname on the QUERY83_DIR and QUERYLONG_DIR commands. This parameter is not valid for the other commands.
Supplies path parsing flags for the pathname.
Path Parsing Flags:

The following path parsing flags are passed in.

Value Meaning
FILE_FLAG_LONG_PATH Path has a longname component.
FILE_FLAG_KEEP_CASE Preserve the case of the filename passed in when storing on disk. This also implies that this call should use longname semantics for its processing.
FILE_FLAG_HAS_DOT Filename component has a dot in its name.
FILE_FLAG_IS_LFN Filename component is a longname.

Pointer to the case-preserved filename component in unicode.
Pointer to the unparsed user pathname in unicode.
Supplies user ID for this request.
Supplies process ID for this request.
ir_error Returns status of the operation ( 0 if no error, errorcode otherwise ).
ir_ppath2 Contains the pure 8.3 or LFN pathname on the QUERY83_DIR and QUERYLONG_DIR commands respectively. This parameter is not returned on the other commands. The FSD must return a canonicalized unicode pathname.

If an FSD does not support long filenames on a volume and it gets a LFN pathname, it should fail the call. The QUERY83_DIR command should be failed on volumes that have no 8.3 names e.g. HPFS. However, The QUERYLONG_DIR command should never be failed. On a volume that has no LFNs, it should just return the 8.3 version passed in. Note that if a volume supports LFNs, the pathname passed in can be a mixture of longname and shortname components. The FSD should be able to handle this and should not make any assumptions about the pathname passed in.