

A file is renamed through FS_RenameFile. This routine handles the Win32 function: MoveFile(); and int 21h functions: 17h, and 56h.

Supplies a pointer to the canonicalized unicode source pathname to be renamed. The pathname may contain wildcards only if it is an 8.3 pathname. Long filename paths will not contain wildcards.
Supplies handle to disk volume or network resource that contains the file.
Supplies wildcard search attributes and advisory path parsing flags for the source path.
Search Attribute Values:

Any combination of the following attributes may be specified, causing those files to be included with normal files in the search.

Value Meaning
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN Include hidden file in search.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM Include system file in search.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Include subdirectories in search.

The following attribute will only be specified by itself. It will not be combined with any of the other attributes.

FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUMELABEL Search for volume label only.
Path Parsing Flags:

The following path parsing flags are passed in.

Value Meaning
FILE_FLAG_WILDCARDS Wildcard characters present in pathname.
FILE_FLAG_LONG_PATH Path has a longname component.
FILE_FLAG_KEEP_CASE Preserve the case of the filename passed in when storing on disk. This also implies that this call should use longname semantics for its processing.
FILE_FLAG_HAS_DOT Filename component has a dot in its name.
FILE_FLAG_IS_LFN Filename component is a longname.

Supplies a pointer to the canonicalized unicode destination pathname to rename to.
Supplies wildcard search attributes and advisory path parsing flags for the destination path.
Search Attribute Values:

Any combination of the following attributes may be specified, causing those files to be included with normal files in the search.

Value Meaning
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN Include hidden file in search.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM Include system file in search.
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Include subdirectories in search.

The following attribute will only be specified by itself. It will not be combined with any of the other attributes.

FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUMELABEL Search for volume label only.
Path Parsing Flags:

The following path parsing flags are passed in.

Value Meaning
FILE_FLAG_WILDCARDS Wildcard characters present in pathname.
FILE_FLAG_LONG_PATH Path has a longname component.
FILE_FLAG_KEEP_CASE Preserve the case of the filename passed in when storing on disk. This also implies that this call should use longname semantics for its processing.
FILE_FLAG_HAS_DOT Filename component has a dot in its name.
FILE_FLAG_IS_LFN Filename component is a longname.

Supplies a pointer to a tunnelling structure. A NULL pointer is passed in this field if there is no tunnelling information. The tunnelling structure is described below.
Tunnelling Structure:  
Value Meaning
tuni_bfContents Specifies flags for the tunnelling information passed in.
Tunnelling Info Flag Values:  
Value Meaning
TUNI_CONTAINS_ALTNAME Alternate unicode name is available in structure. This is the name to be used for the destination of the rename.
TUNI_CONTAINS_CREATIONT Creation time for file available.
TUNI_CONTAINS_LASTACCESST Last access time for file available.
TUNI_CONTAINS_LASTWRITET Last modification time for file available.

Supplies the alternate name in unicode that should be used for this file.
Supplies the creation time in the Win32 FileTime structure format specified below.
Win32 FileTime Structure:  
Value Meaning
dwLowDateTime Supplies the low double word of the time in Win32 format.
dwHighDateTime Supplies the low double word of the time in Win32 format.
tuni_ftLastAccessTime Supplies the last access time in the Win32 FileTime structure format described above.
tuni_ftLastWriteTime Supplies the last modification time in the Win32 FileTime structure format described above.

Pointer to the case-preserved filename component of the destination path in unicode.
Supplies user ID for this request.
Supplies process ID for this request.
ir_error Returns status of the operation ( 0 if no error, errorcode otherwise ).

If an FSD does not support long filenames on a volume and it gets a LFN API call on that volume, it should fail the call. Note that FS_RenameFile can also rename entire directory trees. Obviously, the FSD cannot validate if all paths of the renamed directory can be accessed, some subdirectories may not be accessible any more if the path becomes longer than the maximum allowed path. The FSD should check for cyclic directory renames and fail them. A rename of a file to itself should not failed, the FSD should just return success and do nothing. Local FSDs also need to honor the tunnelling information if they do not implement tunnelling on their own. Tunnelling is not supported on network drives. Therefore, network FSDs do not need to support this. Tunnelling is described separately in another section of this document.