
 struct use_info_2 * pui2,
 int proId,
 int fStatic,
 int lana

This service is called by an FSD to perform a network use operation to connect to a network resource at initialization time. The connection is always setup in the disconnected state.

Supplies pointer to use_info_2 structure filled in as follows:
Use_Info_2 Structure:

The fields that need to be initialized are described below. All other fields should be set to zero.

Value Meaning
ui2_local Supplies the ASCIIZ string the resource is to be connected to viz. a device name or driveletter or UNC name.
ui2_remote Supplies the ASCIIZ resource name that is to be connected.
ui2_password Supplies the ASCIIZ string for the password of the resource, if any. This pointer should be NULL if there is no password for this resource.
ui2_asg_type Supplies resource type for connection.

Connection Resource Type Values:

One of the following resource types will be specified.

Value Meaning
USE_WILDCARD Wild card resource type.
USE_DISKDEV Disk resource.
USE_SPOOLDEV Spooled printer resource.
USE_CHARDEV Character device resource.
USE_IPC Interprocess communication resource.

Supplies resource name type.
Resource Name Type Values:  
Value Meaning
USE_RES_UNC Resource name is UNC. Currently, this is the only supported flag and ui2_res_type must always be set to this.

Supplies the provider ID of the provider requesting the connection.
Supplies the state for the connection. This has only 2 states: non-zero for a static connection and 0 for a normal connection. The user cannot delete a static connection.
Supplies the LAN address number.