If you do not see a reason why you stopped, the message may have been "lost in the noise." Disassemble backwards from the current location and see if any of the addresses pushed onto the stack are strings.
The following sample sessions indicate possible techniques to ferret out error message strings:
##u eip-0b L2
0028:........ push xxxxxxxx
0028:........ call dword ptr [__Debug_Out_Service (........)]
##da xxxxxxxx
0030:xxxxxxxx ... this is the error message...
##u eip-0a L2
0028:........ push xxxxxxxx
0028:........ call yyyyyyyy
##da xxxxxxxx
0030:xxxxxxxx ... this might be the error message...
##u eip-0d L3
0028:........ push xxxxxxxx
0028:........ call yyyyyyyy
0028:........ add esp, nn
##da xxxxxxxx
0030:xxxxxxxx ... this might be the error message...