The bl command lists current information about all breakpoints created by the bp (Breakpoint) command. For each existing breakpoint, the command displays the breakpoint number, the enabled status ('e' for enabled, 'd' for disabled, 'I' for invalid), the breakpoint address, the number of passes remaining (if any), the initial number of passes in parentheses (if any), and debugger commands to be executed when the breakpoint is reached (if any). An invalid "I" breakpoint typically indicates the code has been paged out to disk; it may come back later. You can't remove an invalid breakpoint until it pages back in.
The following example shows a typical list:
0 d %004010b5 [_MyTest] 4 (10) "db ds:edi"
1 eI %0040110f [_MyWndProc@16 + 5a]