dd (Display Doublewords)

dd [range]

The dd command displays the hexadecimal values of the doublewords at the address specified or in the specified range of addresses. The dd command displays one or more lines, depending on the range given. Each line displays the address of the first doubleword in the line, followed by up to four hexadecimal doubleword values. The hexadecimal values are separated by spaces. The dd command displays values up to the end of the range or until the first 32 doublewords have been displayed.

Specifies the block of memory to display. If you omit range, 32 doubleword values are displayed beginning at the first address after the address displayed by the previous dd command.

The following example displays the doubleword values from CS:100 to CS:110:

dd CS:100 110
04BA:0100 7473:2041 676E:6972 5405:0104 0A0D:7865
04BA:0110 0000:002E

No more than four values per line are displayed.