. v (Virtual Machine Commands)


Displays information about the current virtual machine (VM).

Command option. Can be one of these option letters:
c Displays the standard fields from the current VM's control block (does not include device allocated fields.) This information is useful to determine the current state of the VM as the Windows/386 VMM sees it. It accepts the same optional parameter as ".VM".
h Displays the current VM's handle. Useful for determining which VM is currently executing. It is also possible to look at device allocated fields of the VM's control block, if the offset to the first field is known, by adding the offset to the handle when dumping memory.
m Displays the status of the current VM. Status information includes re-entry count, VM handle, critical section state, client registers, and top entries from the client's stack. This command is useful to see where the VM was/is trying to execute. It is then possible to set a break point at the client's CS:IP if it is necessary to step through a few instructions to determine what the client is trying to do. This command accepts an optional parameter that can be the VM handle or VM id of the VM whose status should be displayed.
r If Ring 0 code was executing at the time that the debugger took control, then is command displays the client registers of the current VM. If the client was executing, then the debugger is showing the current registers, and this command will just display a warning message. This command shows just the register display portion of the ".VM" command. It accepts the same optional parameter as ".VM".
s Displays the current VM's virtual mode stack if the debugger is running in protected mode.
l Displays a list of all valid VM handles. The list shows the assigned scheduler priority and the execution status of each VM.