Include Files

The include files define macros, structures, symbols, and service tables needed by the virtual device to declare segments and procedures, and use VMM and other virtual device services. The following is a list of include files containing definitions for commonly used service, macro, and symbol definitions.

Filename Description
VMM.INC Contains definitions for all VMM services, as well as required macros and symbols such as Declare_Virtual_Device and VMMCall.
DEBUG.INC Contains useful macros for writing messages at a debugging terminal and performing checks on various data. The macros provided by this file produce code only when the virtual device is assembled with the DEBUG symbol defined.
VPICD.INC Contains definitions of all services, macros, and symbols for the virtual programmable interrupt controller device (VPICD). The VPICD handles all interrupts; therefore, most virtual devices require VPICD services.
SHELL.INC Contains definitions of the public services provided by the virtual shell device. The shell device provides access to the Windows functions such as MessageBox. This lets virtual devices display dialog boxes to the user.