
Win386_Startup_Info_Struc STRUC
SIS_Version                     db      3, 0
SIS_Next_Dev_Ptr                dd      ?
SIS_Virt_Dev_File_Ptr           dd      0
SIS_Reference_Data              dd      ?
SIS_Instance_Data_Ptr           dd      0
SIS_Opt_Instance_Data_Ptr       dd      0
Win386_Startup_Info_Struc ENDS

The Win386_Startup_Info_Struc structure contains information that Windows uses to prepare an MS-DOS device driver or TSR program for operation with Windows.

Specifies the version number of the structure. Windows uses this member to determine the size of the structure. This member should contain 3 in the low-order byte and 10 in the high-order byte to indicate that it is version 3.1.
Points to the next structure in the list. The address of the next structure must be supplied by the next handler in the Interrupt 2Fh chain. A driver or TSR calls the next handler, then sets this member to the address returned by the handler in the ES:BX register pair.
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the name of a Windows virtual device file. MS-DOS devices such as networks use this to force a special Windows virtual device to be loaded. If this member is zero, no device is loaded.
Specifies reference data for the virtual device. This member, used only when SIS_Virt_Dev_File_Ptr is nonzero, is passed to the virtual device when it is initialized. The member can contain any value and often contains a pointer to some device-specific structure.
Points to a list of data to be instanced, that is, allocated uniquely for each new virtual machine. If the member is zero, then no data is instanced. Each entry in the list is an Instance_Item_Struc structure. The list is terminated with a 32-bit zero.
Points to a list of data to be optionally instanced. Available only if SIS_Version is 4.0.

See Also

Interrupt 2Fh Function 1605h Windows Initialization Notification