Progress Bar Messages and Member Functions

Table 2-3 lists the messages and member functions supported by the progress bar control. Refer to the Win32 SDK and the MFC 3.1 documentation for details about parameters and return values.

Message Member Function Description
PBM_DELTAPOS OffsetPos Advances the position of a progress bar by the specified increment and redraws the control.
PBM_SETPOS SetPos Sets the position of a progress bar and redraws the control to reflect the new position.
PBM_SETRANGE SetRange Sets the range (minimum and maximum values) for a progress bar and redraws the control.
PBM_SETSTEP SetStep Specifies the step increment for a progress bar, the amount by which the bar increases its position whenever it receives a PBM_STEPIT message (or when the MFC StepIt member function is called). The default is 10.
PBM_STEPIT StepIt Advances the position of a progress bar by the step increment and redraws the control. An application sets the step increment by sending the PBM_SETSTEP message (or by calling the MFC StepIt member function). When the position exceeds the maximum value of the range, this message resets the position so that the progress bar starts over from the beginning.

Table 2-3. Progress bar messages and member functions.