The two combo boxes on the toolbar specify the fonts supported by the current device. One box lists typefaces (such as Arial and Times New Roman), and the other lists point sizes (units of measure that specify the size of the type10-point, 12-point, 14-point, and so on). When you build the font list, the combo boxes are filled, and the buttons on the toolbar and the associated menu items are updated to reflect the current character formatting. For instance, if the current formatting is boldface, the Bold button appears pressed, and the Bold menu item is checked.
// Enumerate the fonts for the rich edit control.
hDC = GetDC (hWndRichEdit);
parFontsGlobal = BuildFontList (hDC, &nFaces);
// Fill in the typeface and point size combo boxes.
FillCombos ();
// Set the current font.
ChangeFaceName (hWndRichEdit,
ChangePointSize (hWndRichEdit, 12);
// Select the current typeface and point size.
iSelect = SelectFont (parFontsGlobal[0].lf->lfFaceName, 12);
// Show the effects of the current font.
bItalic = bUnderLine = FALSE;
bBold = ToggleButton (hWnd, IDM_BOLD, FALSE);
// Release the DC.
ReleaseDC (hWndRichEdit, hDC);