To implement the IPersistFile interface, the file viewer must implement the following member functions: GetClassID, Load, GetCurFile, IsDirty, Save, and SaveCompleted.
This function returns the document's CLSID.
METHOD_PROLOGUE (CFileView, PersistFile);
*pClsID = pThis->m_clsID;
return NOERROR;
This function loads the document contained in the given filename. Load only stores the filename; ShowInitialize actually opens the file.
STDMETHODIMP CFileView::XPersistFile::Load (
LPCOLESTR pszFileName, DWORD dwMode)
METHOD_PROLOGUE (CFileView, PersistFile);
// No modifications are necessary to this code; it simply
// copies the parameters into the CFileView::m_pszPath and
// m_grfMode members for use in IFileViewer::ShowInitialize
// and IFileViewer::Show later on.
// You should never be called twice.
if (pThis->m_pszPath)
pThis->m_fLoadCalled = FALSE; // handle error case
if (pszFileName == NULL)
// Copy the ANSI filename and the mode to use in opening it.
lstrcpy (pThis->m_pszPath, pszFileName);
// Remember that this function has been called.
pThis->m_fLoadCalled = TRUE;
return NOERROR;
This function returns either the absolute path of the document's currently associated file or the default filename prompt if there is no currently associated file. GetCurFile returns E_UNEXPECTED if the Load function has not yet been called; otherwise, it copies the path and returns NOERROR.
STDMETHODIMP CFileView::XPersistFile::GetCurFile (
LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *ppszFileName)
METHOD_PROLOGUE (CFileView, PersistFile);
// No modifications are necessary to this code; it simply
// copies the CFileView::m_pszPath string into a piece
// of memory and stores the pointer at *ppszFile.
// Load must be called, of course.
if (pThis->m_fLoadCalled)
if (ppszFileName == NULL)
cb = (lstrlen (pThis->m_pszPath) + 1) * sizeof (OLECHAR);
psz = (LPOLESTR) malloc (cb);
if (NULL == psz)
return NOERROR;
This function checks a document object for changes that might have been made since the object was last saved. IsDirty can simply return S_FALSE because a file viewer does not modify the file.
STDMETHODIMP CFileView::XPersistFile::IsDirty (void)
return S_FALSE;
The Save function saves a copy of the object to the specified filename. Both the Save and the SaveCompleted member functions should return E_NOTIMPL.
STDMETHODIMP CFileView::XPersistFile::Save (
LPCOLESTR pszFileName, BOOL fRemember)
return E_NOTIMPL;
This function signals that the caller has saved the file with a call to IPersistFile::Save and has finished working with it.
STDMETHODIMP CFileView::XPersistFile::SaveCompleted (
LPCOLESTR pszFileName)
return E_NOTIMPL;