Platform SDK: Windows Sockets

TCP/IP Data Structures

The INTERFACE_INFO structure is used in conjunction with the SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST ioctl command. It is defined in Ws2tcpip.h file and is reproduced here.

typedef struct _INTERFACE_INFO
    u_long             iiFlags;             /* Type and status of the interface */
    struct sockaddr    iiAddress;           /* Interface address */
    struct sockaddr    iiBroadcastAddress;  /* Broadcast address */
    struct sockaddr    iiNetmask;           /* Network mask */


A bitmask describing the status of the interface. The following flags are possible.
Flag Meaning
IFF_UP The interface is running.
IFF_BROADCAST The broadcast feature is supported.
IFF_LOOPBACK The loopback interface is running.
IFF_POINTTOPOINT The interface is using point-to-point link.
IFF_MULTICAST The multicast feature is supported.

The address of the interface.
The broadcast address of the interface or the address of the other side for point-to-point links.
The netmask used by the interface.