Platform SDK: Windows Sockets

NSPROTO_IPX Socket Options

NSPROTO_IPX options are handled through getsockopt and setsockopt. Each option is accessed by setting level = NSPROTO_IPX and optname to one of the following values.


Option Type Default Meaning
IPX_CHECKSUM Bool off When set, IPX performs a checksum on outgoing packets and verifies the checksum of incoming packets.
IPX_TXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets maximum send datagram size. This size does not include the IPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
IPX_RXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets maximum receive datagram size. This size does not include the IPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
IPX_TXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns send media size that sets an upper bound for datagram size.
IPX_RXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns receive media size that sets an upper bound for datagram size.
IPX_PRIMARY Bool Primary Restricts traffic to the primary network board.


Option Type Default Meaning
SPX_CHECKSUM Bool off When set, IPX performs a checksum on outgoing packets and verifies the checksum of incoming packets. Not supported on all platforms.
SPX_TXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets maximum send datagram size. This size does not include the SPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
SPX_RXPKTSIZE int Media size to a maximum of 1466 Sets maximum receive datagram size. This size does not include the SPX header or any media headers that may also be used. May be increased to media size.
SPX_TXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns send media size minus SPX and media headers. This sets an upper bound for message segmentation packet size.
SPX_RXMEDIASIZE int Primary board Returns receive media size minus SPX and media headers. This sets an upper bound for receive packet size.
SPX_RAWSPX Bool off When set, the IPX/SPX protocol header is passed with the data.


When set, SPX_RAWSPX lets the application manage the IPX/SPX header. In this mode, Winsock will not segment messages, restricting maximum send and recv message size to the underlying packet size. Packet size options are automatically adjusted to include the IPX/SPX headers. Fields that can be set by the application are detailed in Wsipx.h.