Platform SDK: Windows Sockets


The WSCUnInstallNameSpace function uninstalls the indicated name-space provider.

int WSCUninstallNameSpace (
  LPGUID   lpProviderId   


[in] Unique identifier for this provider.

Return Values

If no error occurs, WSCUnInstallNameSpace returns NO_ERROR (zero). Otherwise, it returns SOCKET_ERROR and must set the appropriate error code using SetLastError.


The name space configuration functions do not affect applications that are already running. Newly installed name-space providers will not be visible to applications nor will the changes in a name-space provider's activation state. Applications launched after the call to WSCUnInstallNameSpace will see the changes.

Error Codes

Error code Meaning
WSAEINVAL Specified name-space–provider identifier is invalid.


  Version: Requires Windows Sockets 2.0.
  Header: Declared in Ws2spi.h.
  Library: Use Ws2_32.lib.