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IMDSPStorageGlobals Interface

The IMDSPStorageGlobals interface, acquired from the IMDSPStorage interface, provides methods for retrieving global information about a storage medium. This might include the amount of free space, the total number of files, and so on.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IMDSPStorageGlobals interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
GetCapabilities Retrieves the capabilities of the storage medium that an instance of this interface is associated with.
GetDevice Retrieves a pointer to the device with which this interface is associated.
GetRootStorage Retrieves a pointer to the IMDSPStorage interface for the root storage of the storage media.
GetSerialNumber Retrieves a serial number uniquely identifying the storage medium.
GetStatus Retrieves the current status of the storage medium.
GetTotalBad Retrieves the total amount of unusable space on the storage medium.
GetTotalFree Retrieves the total free space, in bytes, of the storage medium.
GetTotalSize Retrieves the total size of the storage medium in bytes.
Initialize Formats the storage medium.

See Also


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