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The GetCapabilities method retrieves the device capabilities to determine the operations that the device can perform.


HRESULT GetCapabilities(
  DWORD*  pdwCapabilitiesMask



[out]  Pointer to a double word containing the device capabilities mask. The following flags can be returned in this variable.

Flag Description
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANPLAY The media device can play MP3 audio.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANSTREAMPLAY The media device can play streaming audio directly from the host computer.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANRECORD The media device can record audio.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANSTREAMRECORD The media device can record streaming audio directly to the host computer.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANPAUSE The media device can pause during play or record operations.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANRESUME The media device can resume an operation from a pause command.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANSTOP The media device can stop playback before the end of a file.
WMDM_DEVICECAP_CANSEEK The media device can seek to a position other than the beginning of a file.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Description
E_INVALIDARG The pdwCapabilitiesMask parameter is an invalid or NULL pointer.
E_FAIL An unspecified error occurred.


The device capabilities describe the control functions that can be performed by a specified media device.

See Also


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