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IWMDMDevice Interface

With the IWMDMDevice interface, one instance of the interface is associated with one device. The interface can be used to enumerate storage media and manage the control functions of a device. In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMDMDevice interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
EnumStorage Used to acquire an IWMDMEnumStorage interface to enumerate the storage media on a device.
GetDeviceIcon Retrieves a handle to the icon that the device service provider wants to display when the device is operating.
GetFormatSupport Retrieves all formats supported by this device, including codecs, file formats, and DRM schemes.
GetManufacturer Retrieves the name of the manufacturer of a media device.
GetName Retrieves the name of an installed media device.
GetPowerSource Retrieves the power source and the percentage of power remaining for the device.
GetSerialNumber Retrieves a serial number that uniquely identifies the device.
GetStatus Retrieves device status information.
GetType Retrieves type information defining what operation types are supported by the device.
GetVersion Retrieves the version number of the media device.
SendOpaqueCommand Sends a command through Windows Media Device Manager. Without acting on it, Windows Media Device Manager then passes the command through to a device.

See Also


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