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IWMDMOperation Interface

The IWMDMOperation interface is used by the IWMDMStorageControl interface for data transfer and by the IWMDMDeviceControl interface for streaming audio data.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMDMOperation interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
BeginRead Indicates that a read operation is being started by a method belonging to either the IWMDMStorageControl interface or the IWMDMDeviceControl interface.
BeginWrite Indicates that a write operation is being started by a method belonging to either the IWMDMStorageControl interface or the IWMDMDeviceControl interface.
End Indicates that a read or write operation is complete, whether successful or not, and returns a completion code.
GetObjectAttributes Retrieves the content attributes. Audio attributes include the number of samples per second, the number of bytes per sample, and so on.
GetObjectName Retrieves the name of the object (content) being read or written.
GetObjectTotalSize Retrieves the total size of an object, in bytes.
SetObjectAttributes Assigns the content attributes. Audio attributes include the number of samples per second, the number of bytes per sample, and so on.
SetObjectName Assigns a name to the content being read or written.
SetObjectTotalSize Assigns the total size of an object, in bytes.
TransferObjectData Transfers a block of data.

See Also


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