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The AddMarker method adds a marker, consisting of a name and a specific time, to the header section of the Windows Media file.


HRESULT AddMarker(
  WCHAR*  pwszMarkerName,
  QWORD  cnsMarkerTime



[in]  Pointer to a wide-character NULL-terminated string containing the marker name.


[in]  Specifies the marker time in 100-nanosecond increments.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Meaning
NS_E_INVALID_STATE The writer cannot currently be configured.
E_UNEXPECTED The method failed for an unspecified reason.


For the reader, all of the Add, Set, and Remove calls always return E_NOTIMPL.

For the writer, Add, Set, and Remove can only be called before BeginWriting. The writer does not support markers, and all of the marker calls (including AddMarker) return E_NOTIMPL.

The metadata editor fully implements all of the methods.

See Also


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