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The GetName method retrieves the connection name specified in the profile.


HRESULT GetConnectionName(
  WCHAR*  pwszName,
  WORD*  pcchName



[out]  Pointer to a wide-character NULL-terminated string containing the connection name.


[in, out]  On input, specifies a pointer to a variable containing the length of the pwszName array in wide characters (two bytes). On output, and if the method succeeds, the variable contains the actual length of the name.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Meaning
E_INVALIDARG The pcchName parameter is NULL.
ASF_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL The pwszName parameter is not large enough.


The connection name should be matched with the input name set on one (or more) of the streams in the profile.

See Also


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