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The CreateNewStream method creates a stream configuration object for the profile.


HRESULT CreateNewStream(
  REFGUID  guidStreamType,
  IWMStreamConfig**  ppConfig



[in]  GUID object specifying a stream type.


[out]  Pointer to a pointer to an IWMStreamConfig object.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return code Meaning
E_OUTOFMEMORY There is not enough available memory.


This creation method is included as a method to this interface, rather than as an independent function, for clarity: it is not possible to have a stream configuration object other than as an element of a profile. After the stream has been configured, this object must be added to the profile using the AddStream method.

When CreateNewStream() is called, the new stream is given a valid stream number and one of the following default output type values.

Output Type Default Value
Audio 44100 Hz, 16 bit stereo PCM
Video RGB, 320x240x24, 15 frames per second
Script WMSCRIPTTYPE_TwoStrings

Stream numbers may only be in the range of 1-64.

See Also


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