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IWMReaderCallbackAdvanced Interface

For some advanced functionality, the IWMReaderCallback must support this interface.

In addition to the methods inherited from IUnknown, the IWMReaderCallbackAdvanced interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
AllocateForOutput Allocates a buffer for samples delivered to the IWMReaderCallback::OnSample method.
AllocateForStream Allocates a buffer for samples delivered to the IWMReaderCallback::OnStreamSample method.
OnOutputPropsChanged Called when the output media properties change due to a IWMReader::SetOutputProps call.
OnStreamSample Enables the application to work with compressed rather than uncompressed samples.
OnStreamSelection Notifies the application of stream changes made due to bandwidth restrictions.
OnTime Notifies the application of the clock time the reader is working to. This is used when a user-driven clock has been specified.

See Also


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