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The OnOutputPropsChanged method indicates that the media properties for the specified output have changed.  This occurs as a result of the IWMReader::SetOutputProps call.


HRESULT OnOutputPropsChanged(
  DWORD  dwOutputNum,
  WM_MEDIA_TYPE*  pMediaType,
  void*  pvContext



[in]  Double word containing the output number.


[in]  Pointer to a media type object.


[in]  Universal pointer to the context. This context matches the context from IWMReader::Start.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an HRESULT error code.


This method is called if the caller gets an asynchronous result to the SetOutputProps method call. The next sample received for this output will have these properties. After calling SetOutputProps and before receiving an OutputPropsChanged notification, the contents of the media type are undefined.

See Also


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